Nationalismus in klassischer Musik

Alexander Jakobidze-Gitmann
Nationalism as a worldview or a political stance is frequently frowned upon. The researchers of political nationalism, however, point out that at its origins, nationalism did not imply any superiority of one nation over another but rather drew attention to cultural legacy that otherwise would have been relegated to oblivion. Musical nationalism took everything positive from the political nationalism but remained free from its chauvinistic and agressive side. Its social impact cannot be overestimated: peoples who were deprived of their statehood in the 19th century Europe retained their national identity through nationalist-colored music. Juxtaposing music examples and scholarly literature, this seminar offers a foray through the fascinating history of nationalist music of the 19th-20th centuries in its cultural and political context.
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Alexander Jakobidze-Gitmann
Ich bin ausgebildeter Konzertpianist, promovierter Filmwissenschaftler und selbstgelernter Musikwissenschaftler. Mich begeistert besonders, die Reflexion über die Künste und künstlerische Praxis aufeinander beziehen zu können, sei es bei meinen Lehrveranstaltungen oder Gesprächskonzerten. Es ist meine tiefe Überzeugung, dass die Theorie und intuitives Erlebnis der Künste keine sich ausschließenden Gegensätze sind, sondern Gegenpole, die sich wechselseitig herausfordern und anregen.
Wie werden wir lernen?

juxtaposition of theoretical ideas and historical information on the one hand with active listening of music pieces

Ziel der Veranstaltung

Familiarity with the key stages of development of musical nationalism in western music.

Max. Teilnehmendenzahl