Grundlagen der Programmierung - Python zur Erstellung von Software
Basics of Programming – Python for creating software
Digital skills and “computational thinking” are becoming increasingly relevant in current times. Not only are they helpful in informatics tasks, but also relevant in everyday life, especially for structured problem solving. Decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction and creation of algorithms are the main skills taught for “computational thinking”. Using the programming language “Python”, students learn basic concepts of programming and gain insight into its syntax and semantics. Concrete application examples of the programming language are presented and students develop their own simple applications.
What do I need to know to participate?
How will we learn?
Discussion of the content topics through dialogue-based lectures with accompanying slides, application-oriented practical examples at home.
Seminar Goal
Maximum number of participants
Anne Mainz
Wie werden wir lernen?
Besprechung der inhaltlichen Themen durch dialogbasierte Vorträge mit begleitenden Folien, anwendungsorientierte Praxisbeispiele in Eigenarbeit lösen
Ziel der Veranstaltung
- Grundlegende Kenntnisse von Python Syntax & Semantik
- Kennenlernen von Anwendungsbereichen der Programmiersprache Python
- Umsetzung von einfachen Python-Programmen
- Förderung von „Computational Thinking“
Max. Teilnehmendenzahl