Einführung in die Integrale Theorie
Introduction in the Integral Theory
Are you fascinated by the idea of crossing the boundaries of the known, thinking and feeling beyond conventions? Have you been known to try to relate different fields of inquiry and knowledge-seeking and find their interconnections? Do the established paradigms used to explain the world seem worn and outdated to you? And have you always been asking yourself: “How does all of this fit together?” If you enjoy expanding the horizons of your understanding and want to learn about practical tools you can use to understand your thinking and feeling, your experiences and your creations from a new perspective, this course will offer you that opportunity. By means of Integral Theory, created by Ken Wilber, we will work to connect different strands of knowledge-seeking, explore how they interact and see what advantage can be gained from an understanding of these interrelations. All disciplines, whether psychology, medicine, philosophy, economics or management can profit from an integral perspective and may be transformed by it, and so may every person applying it. By use of theoretical, lecture-based seminar sessions we will expand our understanding in order to then apply it via simple practices. Co-creation of sessions and contributions by participants are very welcome.
What do I need to know to participate?
Interest or previous knowledge in the fields of philosophy, psychology, spirituality, humanities or sciences is of advantage but not necessary. Interest in transcontextual thinking and open-mindedness towards new perspectives are important.
How will we learn?
Preparatory reading ahead of the seminar session will be expected. During the seminar discourse, discussion, self-experience and practical application of the discussed content will be facilitated using examples.
Seminar Goal
Participants will learn to combine different strands of knowledge and understand their connections in order to then apply those to their own experience and reflect on that application. Expansion of theoretical understanding as well as increased self-reflection are goals of the seminar.
Maximum number of participants
Kazuma Matoba
Johannes Kochs
Was muss ich mitbringen?
Interesse oder Vorwissen in den Gebieten Philosophe, Psychologie, Spiritualität, Geisteswissenschaften und/oder Naturwissenschaften ist von Vorteil, aber nicht notwendig. Ein Interesse an kontextübergreifendem Denken und eine Offenheit für neue Perspektiven sind wichtig.
Wie werden wir lernen?
Zur Vorbereitung auf die Seminarsitzungen werden Lektüre-Einheiten vorausgesetzt, die selbstständig gelesen werden. Im Seminar werden Diskurs, Diskussion, Selbsterfahrung und praktische Applikation der diskutierten Inhalte an Fallbeispielen zum Einsatz gebracht.
Ziel der Veranstaltung
Die Teilnehmenden werden lernen, verschiedene Wissensbereiche und Erkenntnisformen miteinander zu verknüpfen und deren Verbindungen zu verstehen, um diese dann ebenso in ihrem eigenen Erleben zu erkennen und zu reflektieren. Somit sind sowohl Erweiterungen des theoretischen Verständisses als auch vermehrte Selbstreflektion Ziele des Seminars.
Max. Teilnehmendenzahl