Demokratie zum Anfassen - Konflikte verstehen, Gesellschaft gestalten
Hands-on democracy – understanding conflicts, shaping society
This seminar is a group dynamic self-awareness seminar. We work with the Betzavta method.
Experiencing values such as justice, participation, diversity in myself. Putting my behaviour and communication under the microscope. In this seminar, “learning through experience” applies. In a balanced mix of group dynamic experiences as well as a look behind the scenes of communication, conflict and social dynamics, democratic values will be tested for their suitability for everyday life and the complexity of democratic decision-making processes will be experienced first-hand.
What do I need to know to participate?
How will we learn?
Betzavta method: Group-dynamic experiential method of political education. Theoretical inputs, small group work, self- and group reflection.
Workload for students is limited to active participation in the seminar.
Seminar Goal
Self-awareness and personal development. (Further) development of attitude. Recognising and understanding one’s own behaviour and communication patterns. Developing and testing alternative ways of acting in the spirit of democratic co-operation.
Maximum number of participants
Anna Hürten
Wie werden wir lernen?
Betzavta-Methode: Gruppendynamische Erfahrungsmethode der polititschen Bildung. Theoretische Inputs, Kleingruppenarbeit, Selbst- und Gruppenreflexion.
Workload für Studierende beschränkt sich auf die aktive Teilnahme am Seminar.
Ziel der Veranstaltung
Selbsterfahrung und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung. Haltungs(-weiter-)entwicklung. Eigene Verhaltens- und Kommunikationsmuster erkennen und verstehen. Alternative Handlungsmöglichkeiten im Sinne eines demokratischen Miteinanders entwickeln und erproben.
Max. Teilnehmendenzahl