Bildung und Diskriminierung
Education and discrimination
Education is a human right and essential for participation in society. It should therefore be equally accessible to all. In practice, however, it is evident that many groups of people who are also marginalized in other areas can experience disadvantages and discrimination in all educational contexts. In this seminar, we will use the example of the German education system – from preschool to university and further learning spaces in adulthood – to learn about the points at which structural disadvantages occur for different population groups. Different forms of discrimination will be addressed and the relevance of an intersectional approach will be emphasized. In the course of the seminar, we will also repeatedly deal with psychological perspectives on group membership, stereotype formation and the resulting exclusion or inclusion. Finally, we will address the question of how discrimination-sensitive teaching and learning can be better implemented and realized. The course offers a safe space to reflect on one’s own educational career and encourages appreciative exchange with people who have had different experiences.
What do I need to know to participate?
No previous knowledge necessary
How will we learn?
Interactive work in plenary and small groups on selected short texts, images and videos as well as units for self-reflection and time for exchange among peers.
Seminar Goal
Maximum number of participants
Svenja Hartwig
Wie werden wir lernen?
Interaktive Arbeit im Plenum und Kleingruppen zu ausgewählten kurzen Texten, Bildern und Videos sowie Einheiten zu Selbstreflexion und Zeit für Austausch unter Peers.
Ziel der Veranstaltung
Die Teilnehmenden kennen die verschiedenen Stufen des deutschen Bildungssystems. Auf dieser Basis können sie theoretische Überlegungen und empirische Ergebnisse zu struktureller Diskriminierung einordnen. Sie erkennen die eigenen Privilegien und können ihre Bildungsgeschichte vor diesem Hintergrund reflektieren. Mittels sozial- und kognitionspsychologischer Theorien können die Studierenden Erklärungsansätze für das inklusive bzw. exklusive Handeln einzelner Akteur:innen und Personengruppen geben.
Max. Teilnehmendenzahl