Ethik der Wertschätzung. Tugenden für eine ungewisse Welt
Ethics of Consideration. Virtues for an Uncertain World
The French philosopher Corine Pelluchon (*1967), winner of the Günther Anders Prize for Critical Thinking 2020, develops extremely interesting thoughts on questions of economic, ecological and democratic transformation. It is about the awareness that we belong to a common world and how we can experience this belonging in relation to other beings in such a way that forms of appreciation civilize our desire for domination and control and release energy for meaningful change. Enlightenment (Kant: “the liberation of humanity from its self-inflicted immaturity”) must be rethought for the 21st century.
What do I need to know to participate?
an interest in contemporary philosophy
; readiness for reading and discussion
How will we learn?
Reading of an important philosophical book by the philosopher Corinne Peluchon. Presentation of individual chapters by small groups who prepare impulse presentations. Joint discussion in the seminar.
Seminar Goal
Orientation in questions of values that have to do with the pressing problems of our time: Ecological transformation, climate catastrophe, crisis of democracy
Maximum number of participants
Matthias Kettner
Was muss ich mitbringen?
Interesse an zeitgenössischer Philosophie
, Lese- und Diskussionsbereitschaft
Wie werden wir lernen?
Lektüre eines wichtigen philosophischen Buchs der Philosophin Corinne Peluchon. Vorstellung einzelner Kapitel durch Kleinegruppen, die Impuls-Präsentationen vorbereiten. Gemeinsame Diskussion im Seminar.
Ziel der Veranstaltung
Orientierung in Wertfragen, die mit den drängenden Problemen unserer Gegenwart zu tun haben: Ökologische Transformation, Klimakatastrophe, Krise der Demokratie
Max. Teilnehmendenzahl